about the CSMLA Postal Match

There is no entry fee. There is no cost to participate.


The CSMLA postal is for CSMLA members only. Memberships include all family members including children under age 18.

Targets do not have to be mailed in. Instructions for submitting targets are printed on the target Targets must be whole. No missing corners or torn off portions.

The match is scored monthly and winners determined annually. At the end of the year the shooter with the highest single target score for the year will win 2 pounds of powder. The shooter with the second highest single target score for the year will win 1 pound of powder. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded at the annual Convention and Trade Show in March. Bragging rights will be on a monthly basis. The scores for the monthly will be updated in each issue of the Poke and on the website.


Get your club to make this a part of the monthly shoot. Spread the fun.  Print off multiple targets and pass them to other members.

CSMLA Postal Match Target Pdf
PDF – 20.5 KB 315 downloads