2023 Winter Convention
Winter Convention was a great success at the Victory Grange Hall in Aurora. If you were not able to attend this year, plans are being made to hold it in the same location for 2024. We had 22 tables with 15 vendors selling their wares. The attendance was very good with several familiar faces and many new ones. The Adams County 4H provided a very nice lunch for everyone of sloppy joes to keep us going through the day. Joy, Ron Ring, Gwen, and David McCord did a wonderful job of giving us a great selection of classes from Loyd Shindelbower, Stewart Leach, and Ron Mann in the more central location for our members and guests. Our annual Membership meeting and elections went well after the floor closed so I thank all of you for the opportunity to serve you as President for another year. Please thank these folks for all of the time and effort to make the Convention a success. We will keep you
apprised of the plans for next year as they become available.
Thanks to all who made the convention possible and especially to all who attended.